The Struggle of Being Homeless

The struggle of being Homeless, Do you know my story? You may see me and assume a number of things. You may gather these assumptions based on my hair, my skin, my eyes, my smile.

The struggle of being homeless

The struggle of being homeless is rarely spoken of by humans. You may assume that a homeless woman on the side of the road is struggling with a drug addict, yet you ignore the path that led them to this state. You may see a child cry, but do you understand the reason behind it?

On December 11th, Jeanne Albaugh, founder of Showering Love, shared her story with the world at TED X Young Circle Park. Her story is full of the struggle with being homeless and the strife, yet she learned something that drives her efforts to this day: compassion.

She knows what it means to have that judging glare pierce into her soul, lacking compassion, lacking humanity. Do you not find it bizarre that while we may share the different struggles of being human? Yet, we rarely find the patience within ourselves to better the world around us? You may not know the struggles of a homeless man, woman, or child’s story, but the first step in understanding is compassion. The Struggle with being homeless is real.